Our Amazing Journey

Our Amazing Journey
Butterfield Canyon Oct 2012

Friday, May 14, 2021

The Cost of Deceit

A year ago, I set a goal to pitch one of my books at Storymakers 2021 and I did it!  I just pitched The Cost of Deceit to Samantha Millburn, Managing Editor at Covenant Communications and I am ramping up my on-line presence as suggested.

I have my book out to test readers.  Let me know if you would like to be one!

Enjoy Chapter One as it now stands!

Chapter One


As the American Airlines Embraer approached the runway into the small airport in Lawton, Oklahoma, my mind wrestled between the initial feeling of arriving home again, and the horror that this thought could ever find place in my heart.  It’s just that this land seemed harsh and dangerous compared to my roots.  In Utah, you had to really look to find a dangerous insect, but at the farm in Indiahoma, scorpions actually came up to the front door with their curly venomous tails poised to strike patiently, waiting to be let in.  And I’ve seen my fair share of roadkill in Utah, but here tarantulas scurry and snapping turtles meander across the road left and right as we drive what feels like forever to get to civilization.  It feels like I’ve gone back in time 50 years when I visit.


Oklahoma was not my place of birth.  Far from it.  I was born and raised in good ole’ Salt Lake City, Utah.  But in the past year, I counted up the days I had spent in Lawton and was shocked to realize that they added up to one-third of my year.  “Get it together girl.”   I rid myself of the thought with a bit more positive self-talk.  “It’s just for a few days and you’ll be back to 2016.  You’ve got this chickee.”


This time, my husband was with me, as he should be.  After all, we were there to visit his parents.  This was his place of birth, not mine.  I had come alone in the past, spending up to three weeks at a time, caring for my in-laws.  They both suffered from COPD which they both earned from years of smoking before finally kicking it just before I entered the picture 16 years earlier.


While my mother in-law, Collene, suffered from recurring bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia, congestive heart and kidney failure, my father in-law, Harold, was in his third battle with lung cancer.  This time, it didn’t look like he was going to make it out the victor at least with body still intact.


In fact, our reason for this visit in March 2016, was because the report from my husband’s only sibling, his sister, Lisa, was that Dad had stopped eating and getting out of bed.  It seemed that death might be imminent, and we opted to fly rather than drive the 19 hours this go-round.


After the plane landed and the boarding stairs were wheeled into place and locked, we deplaned and walked into the small terminal.  This one-man-band show was complete with the same employee who docked the air stairs in place, lifting the gate to the baggage claim and begin placing our suitcases, none to gently, on the stationary shelf for us to retrieve. We then headed the few strides to the curb where we were picked up by cousin, Patsy.  Getting us situated was a real family affair. 


Lisa was otherwise engaged and had been for the past two years, when her partner, Deb, had succumbed to a brain aneurism.  It wasn’t actually the aneurism that took her mobility, but the treatment following the precarious operation.  Deb’s blood supply was hooked up to a pressure machine to keep the blood flowing through her veins and arteries and as more often than one would like, the treatment found another weakness in her brain and an artery in her speech and motor areas blew.  Deb’s survival was a miracle in and of itself, but be that as it may, she required 100% care and Lisa had her hands full.


Cousin Patsy dropped us off at the Brentwood Assisted Living Facility on Lee Blvd and then headed 20 minutes west to their small home in Indiahoma where she had moved in to take care of Aunt Colleta, Mom’s 86-year-old identical twin sister.  They lived in Indiahoma proper.  The farm I knew too well, was another 12 minutes past town on bouncy dirt roads that seem to never end.  Trent once thought it was a great idea to let our oldest daughter drive a couple years before she was eligible for a driver’s license.  He warned her that if an animal crossed in front of her, hit the gas because if you slowed down, you’d certainly do more damage to the vehicle and its occupants.  She was a quick learner apparently.  She took out a poor doe who was minding her own business.  The truck didn’t have a mark on it though. 


We walked up to the back entrance and punched in the 4-digit key on the pad, which had not changed since our visit a few months earlier. 


Our son, Steven’s flight benefits had come in handy with our frequent visits.  Stand-by flights were hit and miss, but more often than not, we were able to make it from SLC to DAL and then on to LAW for a fraction of what we would have paid otherwise.


I felt the somberness of the occasion as we made our way down the papered hall.  The cascade of roses and deep green foliage blended well with carpet.  It was dated, but not dreadfully so.  I sensed that sometime in the past decade, someone spared no expense to make the place a show piece.  The owners had changed hands about the same time my in-laws became residents.  I had flown out sans Trent to take care of Mom and Dad while we made arrangements, even helping them move in when it became apparent that they could no longer take care of themselves.  As I said, Lawton was feeling more like home than I was comfortable with.


After passing 5 doors, we arrived at number 108 marked unmistakably with the orange and white Pistol Pete door sign that announced the OSU fan club behind the door.  We knocked three times, before showing ourselves in.  The scent of stale coffee permeated the room overpowering any body odors or musty scents that might have otherwise made themselves known. Mom remained seated in her recliner in the far corner of the room as we entered, waiting for our hugs as though they were a given… because they were.  This routine had long since been established.  I placed my computer bag and coat down on the couch while Trent set down our luggage and went to give Mom a hug and kiss to her forehead.  Dad was within hearing distance in the only bedroom just to the left of the entrance into the apartment.  We both made our way to him as he laid in his adjustable bed just inside the doorway.


“What’s this I hear about you not eating or getting out of bed?”  Trent wasted no time getting down to the purpose of this visit.  He just needed to give his dad, what’s for.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it worked.  Trent would tell Dad he needed to fight this disease and he would jump up and join us for dinner in the facility restaurant.   It usually worked.  His parents often did just what he asked (demanded is more like it) and I would sit back, watching, appalled at how Trent could tell them what he wanted, and they seemed to jump to it.  I had never dared try that approach with my own mom and dad.  It felt disrespectful to my way of thinking.


“I don’t feel like it, Trent.”  Dad responded to Trent’s appeals to eat.  I gave Dad a hug and stood back while Trent worked his magic.  I glanced around the room, looking for any changes since my last visit,  finding none.  The breathing machines, scattered magazines, and medical instructions left over from doctor’s visits and oxygen deliveries were not new to me.  When I started feeling like a third wheel, I excused myself to the living room preferring to let father and son hash things out.  I figured it could only go on so long and it wouldn’t be long before Trent’s stomach won out and we were headed for supper.


I long ago accepted that I think too much, especially when visiting Lawton and killing time.  For example, it wasn’t long after my in-laws moved into the Brentwood that I discovered that the evening meal was “supper” a word my dad had been known to use to describe one of our meals growing up.  I never quite understood it then and no one else but my dad used the term.  After all, we lived in the big city, if Salt Lake City could be so qualified.  New Yorkers, hold your tongue.


The menu at the Brentwood included breakfast in two shifts at 8am and 9am, dinner at noon and one and supper at 4pm.  I was used to my three meals of the day being breakfast, lunch and dinner.  I was fixated on making sense of this term “supper,” eventually concluding that supper was to lunch in the north as supper was to dinner in the south.  That is, the farmers had their heavy meal (or dinner) in the middle of the day after the morning’s heavy chores and the lighter meal, supper in the evening before retiring early to bed.  I surmised that Southern Utah, while to most would not be considered “the south” at least as far as the term supper was concerned had found a home in my paternal line.


“How are you doing, Mom?”  I gingerly asked as I made my way back to the sofa.  I loved my in-laws, but the terms of “Mom” and “Dad” never came quite as easily off the lips as they did for my husband with my parents.  I was interrupting Gun Smoke.  When we visited, the television was always on, even when we left the apartment to walk the walk to the dining room.  I so hoped that when I reached my 80’s, I found more to do with myself than watch Bonanza and Golden Girls reruns, not that they weren’t entertaining the first time around.  I just wasn’t a fan of re-runs from any genre, but especially ones from before I was born.


Don’t get me wrong, I loved my in-laws.  They were the best!  Compared to my first set they were my guardian angels. Harold and Collene were all about making my life easier and loving their grandkids.  When I was having our babies, they would fly out and spend 10 days two or three times a year.  I loved their visits.  They came to lighten my load, doing my dishes, mating my stray socks, babysitting so I could get to my to-do list.  


Lisa had never given them grandkids, although Collene seemed not to have given up hope, despite Lisa being well into her 50’s.  I remember thinking to myself that Mom had lost track of Lisa’s age when Collene made the comment a few years earlier, “Lisa better get to it, or she won’t be able to have kids.”


I assumed Mom maybe didn’t realize that Lisa and Deb weren’t equipped that way.  Now I wonder, maybe she knew more about it than I did, but at the time, other ways of them getting kids didn’t enter into the picture for me.


As I crossed one leg over the other and thought and fidgeted I debated about how many minutes I needed to wait before I pulled out my MacBook and opened up my browser.  I had long ago discovered the internet password and my computer new the way.  I glanced at the magazines and open package of half-eaten crackers on the end table complete with the old plastic mug that was a static fixture.  My in-laws drank coffee non-stop from morning to night.  The temperature didn’t matter.  Luke-warm was as good as hot to them.  At least that is how my husband described it.  It wasn’t that we didn’t talk, but the talk seemed to be about items on the surface.  I longed to make use of these precious moments we had left, to share and record memories that I knew would go with them to the grave.  It was hard not to feel that the time glued to the T.V.was a waste, but I felt powerless to do anything about that.  Most of my questions were answered, willingly, but succinctly.


As I sat there, thinking about what I could do to fill the time while the television droned on, I thought about my father in-law.  Harold had the genealogy bug.  When I first met him, he came to church with us and was thrilled to learn that one of our Sunday School classes was on genealogy.  Something his Methodist Congregation in Indiahoma did not offer. 


That may be why our parents hit it off so well when the two couples met at our wedding.  My mom felt her reason for existing was to find her lost ancestors.  I grew up typing my own copy of the family pedigree charts, writing my own history and helping her in writing her story.  Harold and my mom shared that love and the four-some had made it a must to go off on their own adventures each visit.  After helping me non-stop for days and days, who was I to complain when they would announce that they had made their own plans to go for a drive to the Golden Spike for the day with each other and I wasn’t invited.  I loved that my parents and Trent’s loved spending time together.  My parents were a decade younger than Trent’s, but they had a lot of things in common.


Harold and I loved talking genealogy, after all, his discoveries were my discoveries, and I wasn’t a huge fan of putting the puzzles together.  I loved it when he would share that he had found yet another great in the line of great-great-great-grandparents.  It turned out there were twins on both sides of the family.  Not only the McLinn line evidenced by my mother in-law’s identical twin status, but the Hunts had Job and Joab born on the same day to the same parents in their family line as well. 


Trent and I had decided we were done adding to our own family after suffering two miscarriages just as I was entering my 40’s.  The first appeared to be fraternal twins that didn’t progress, and the second loss was termed fetal demise.  We decided my eggs were no longer viable and we should stop trying for a boy of our own.  I had given birth to three beautiful girls and we loved them dearly.  I’d like to say it was an easy decision.  It wasn’t.  Silly thoughts like the end of Grandpa Byron Hunt’s family line dying out, or Trent’s fated hope of having a son to follow in his wrestling, football blocking, rugby scrumming footsteps had run their course and we had accepted that our only son would be the one I brought with me into our marriage along with my daughter, Chalyse.  Five kids was plenty to raise and although Steven wasn’t into team sports, he was an awesome son we were so proud of.  We had the opportunity to attend plenty of sporting events to watch Chalyse cheer her heart out and wave her pom-poms.  My two had graduated to adulthood and I was loving being a mom of elementary and middle school kids.  I had spent my fertile years anticipating the possibility of having twins.  My sister had given birth to fraternal twins and with the trend on Trent’s side, I figured it was always a possibility that never came to fruition,


After I made small talk for what seemed the appropriate amount of time and Trent came back into the living room and took his seat in his father’s recliner, I fired up the computer.  It had occurred to me that when Harold passed, I would be the only member of the Byron Hunt & Valiera Hasty tree to continue his work and that had me a little worried.  As I thought, I also considered Collene’s line.  Other than her identical twin, she had 4 older siblings.  Her mother had died when she and Colleta were only 5 years old.  She told stories of standing on chairs to reach the sink at that young age being in charge of doing the dishes and making sandwiches to feed Grandpa McLinn and the older siblings when they took their break from working on the farm.  I couldn’t imagine how hard that must have been for the preschoolers.  I had met Aunt Deronda and Uncle Kenneth and his wife, Aunt JoAnn.  Uncle Gary, the first blind lawyer in Oklahoma had died of diabetes several decades earlier, before Trent was old enough to remember him.  I realized then, that I had never met Uncle Delmar and, in fact, rarely heard much about him or that branch of the tree.  With that, I googled Delmar McLinn and to my surprise, an obituary popped up.  It turned out that not 9 months earlier, Trent’s oldest cousin in that line had died.  All eight siblings and their spouses were listed as well as that Delmar had preceded her in death.


“Mom, how come I have not met your brother Delmar at any of the family events over the years?”


“His wife didn’t like us.  She was jealous of how close we were and didn’t want him spending time with us.” 


“Oh.”  I didn’t quite know what to say, other than, “That’s too bad.”


My mind kept working.  Before coming across the obituary, I didn’t have the names of this line.  It was almost like I had stumbled across a gold mine, at least as far as genealogists were concerned.  I did not consider myself a genealogist, still considering them a group of retirees with nothing but free time on their hands.  I wasn’t sure I was ready to come out of the closet on that one.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Poisonous Green Potatoes

 The other night I sat at my kitchen table eating Sunday dinner with my husband and two teenage daughters.  It amazes me how quickly things can go South.

I had almost finished my skillet - a delicious concoction of scrambled eggs and cheese over country sausage, sweet and yukon gold potatoes and onions - when Lexi discovered a potato edged in green.

"Dad, there's a green potatoe in my food.  You do realize that green potatoes are poisonous, don't you?" She said with her condescending tone earned from completing 3 of 4 quarters in culinary school during this, her junior year in high school.

"Green just means the potatoe was above the earth and got a little sun.  It's fine."

"No it isn't.

Meanwhile, Kylee, the 14 year old googles green potatoes to determine that they aren't actually poisonous.  She shares her new knowledge proudly, much to Lexi's chagrin.  The three of them continue bickering back and forth and I decide it's time to depart as the conversation has taken a steep decline.

Five minutes later, I return to find that the 17 year old has manipulated her dad into turning on the 14 year old by changing the topic to earlier int he week when the 14 year old who was being bossed around decided to stand up for herself by threatening to take her sister's clothes out on the back lawn and torch them.

A line that should not be crossed I'll grant you, but I could totally understand why the 14 year old felt the need to go there.

Against my better judgement,  I gave in to my husband's request to address the situation by refereeing.  I told  the 17 year old who said when she turned 18 in September, that she would have to move out because she no longer felt safe in her own home that maybe her brother would have room for her.  My husband quickly jumped to her defense.  It was the 14 year old that needed to move out.  

Since he spent 60-80 hours a week at work, he didn't see the fighting that I did and I did not think that one kid was to blame over the other.

I got it all worked out with my husband admitting that he had been hoodwinked and I pointed out to my daughter that it was much better to say "I want a relationship with you but we need to do better" rather than I don't want a relationship with you ..."

Help Me!

Sunday, February 28, 2021

How to survive a pandemic.

The beginning of January, when I was listening to someone speak at church, she shared about her aunt that was putting together a family book of inspirational stories and she had been pondering what story to contribute. I had the thought, "You should do that for your family." and I knew that was in regards to my dad's side. Although, as I have seen all the positives that have come since then, I am thinking I should do the same for my mom's side of the family... Fast forward to the last day of February 2021. Every week I choose a story from those contributed - a different branch each week - and email it out to the family members I have emails for. Today, I actually started a blog to post the weekly emails so family can see them in one place. Family has mentioned how they look forward to reading the stories each week and how they cry (aka feel the spirit). Each week, more stories come in and I am so touched. Each one is absolutely perfect. Why? Becauser even though none of us are perfect, to share a piece of yourself in a story - that shares what you believe to be important and is meant to inspire another soul, is perfect. As I have lost myself in this project and been able to share a little with my family, I have felt such joy and even appreciation for a pandemic. In wanting to get my mind off of the bad things in the world, I have been reminded, through these stories, of how much good there is in the world to outweigh the bad.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Reading, Writing and Arithmetic

So, of the three subjects in the title, I have been doing a fair share of reading and writing lately.  Reading self-help on relationships, fiction as a way to help me in my writing, scriptures as a way to help in life, but also to support my daughter who is on week 4 of her Missionary Training at home during the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 and finally, reading my mother's diaries as I chronicle them in preparation for my writing her story.  Besides writing summaries and details of daily events in my mother's life in the late 1950's and 60's, I am writing my memoirs - with the first her memories in her own voice and mine in my voice - does that make it a memoir or something else altogether - and then there is the writing of my own journal entries, especially with the events of a pandemic and a daughter leaving on a mission, a new grand baby, and a hubby who always keeps me on my toes.  And then, I suppose, the final bit of writing is for social networking, blogging and all. 

And that brings me to "arithmetic" in this title.  I can't begin to count the number of times I have forgotten passwords or which email is associated with which blog and how to log in to this website or that.  So - even though I was an A student in math, I'm well out of practice, I leave most of it up to my engineer husband and really need to learn to take note of these things... but on the bright side, I only opened up this blog as I was trying to find my swim lesson blog - little flippers - it's that time again, people are posting and asking for lessons and we aren't at all sure we will be doing much.  Kenzi is heading to Baton Rouge, LA in 2 weeks for her temporary reassignment while she waits for Spain to open its borders and grant her a Visa to serve her mission there.  Lexi is waiting for the opportunity to take the Water Safety Instructor Course that was scheduled for April, but with the Rec Center closed, we are in limbo waiting for it to be rescheduled.  Which leaves Trent and his two days a week for 8 weeks during the summer.  I think he is already mostly booked and I have yet to look at the new inquiries...  And now I will try again to find that blog.  Depends on which email I have open...

Always an adventure... next time I'll try to be more entertaining!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Lucky Seven?

Trent and I spent last weekend getting a tune-up.  Tomorrow we celebrate 20 years since we said "I do."  As I mentioned  my weekend plans to an interested party, I qualified my plans by saying that after 20 years, a tune-up was a good idea.  Her response:  "That's a good idea for every year of marriage."  I tend to agree.

We found ourselves among 8 other couples also in attendance for the same Gottman workshop - but surprisingly, we were the longest married couple there. 

Some of the things I learned:

  • In a conflict it takes 8 positives to cancel out a negative.
  • In every day intereactions, it takes 20 positives to one negative to fill the love tank.
  • The four horseman of the apocalypse, according to Gottman, are:
    • Criticism
    • Defensiveness
    • Contempt
    • Stonewalling
(When Trent asked what you do if you have a Ph.D. in all four, I felt so appreciative that he recognized it in himself.  We had been asked what our go to horseman was - our weapon of choice.  I am guilty mostly of Defensiveness as I feel criticized a lot and I respond with defensiveness and counter criticism and contempt.  Trent agrees that I don't stonewall.  Even if I try to follow his example, I can't help but talk.  This would not be a surprise to the professionals.  Stonewalling is definitely more a man thing than a woman thing.  At least that is what they said!)

  • The way a conversation starts is the way it will end.  If it starts with criticism and anger, it will end that way too.  Soft start-ups when broaching a complaint is the only way to go.
  • Love Maps - keeping up with our partner's lives.  Trent has spent the last 19 of 20 years not wanting to talk to me about his work day (which incidentally starts early in the morning and often ends after I have gone to bed).  He has definitely made an effort to include me the last year and since hearing at this workshop how important it is that he do that, he has been open to giving me something to ask him about.
  • Wearing rose colored glasses.  We see what we choose to see.  We talked about leaving love notes for our spouse describing the things that we appreciate about them and thanking them... NOT for them (although if their love language is words of affirmation it will fill their love tank) but for us, to help us see them in a positive light.
  • We need to have each other's backs.  Not only do we need to know what each other is going through, they need to feel we are there to support them - even if we think they are getting their just desserts, we don't say it.  We empathize with them as they share the hard things they are going through.  Trent has struggled with empathy before this workshop - but he now has a list of empathetic responses and is doing a great job of expressing empathy.
  • One of the things emphasized in the book is that it is not good (or maybe even really bad) to start solving a problem before both parties feel understood.  Trent, being a guy, has been pretty immediate at trying to solve my problems and it makes me pretty mad at times.  It was awesome to have the presenters point out that you should never give UNSOLICITED (that is not asked for) advice.  If your conversational partner does not ask you what they should do, your advice will be unappreciated and most likely unheeded anyway so don't waste your breath!

There were many other things we learned and activities to do that we can continue to work on.  But as we left, we were given a gift - a free book by Emil Harker entitled:  You Can Turn Conflict Into Closeness - Seven Communication Skills of Successful Marriages.  You too can get this free book by visiting Emil's site.  

So this last year I have studied (among other things):

  • Stephen Covey's:  Seven Habits Series
  • John & Julie Gottman's Seven Principles that Make Marriage Work 
  • Emil Harker's Seven Communication Skills of Successful Marriages

I am so excited by what I have learned and after applying the habits, principles and communication skills in my relationships, I can truly say that they work at bringing down contention.

I could say so much more about Communication as that is my field of expertise, but I will save that for another day.

Until next time,


Sunday, June 23, 2019

Time for a Twenty Year Check up

As my sweetie and I approach our 20 year wedding anniversary in a few weeks and have passed a lot of other 20 year anniversaries in the past 6 months:  (First Date, First Kiss, First Trip, First almost Elopement, First Fight, etc.) I have been looking at where we have been, where we are and where we are going.  What do we have to show for this past 20 years?

We have raised three kids to adult hood - when Trent and I married, my two children from my first marriage were 6 and 8 years old.  Add twenty years to that number!  We then added three more children to our family and recently saw the oldest graduate from high school and will soon be helping her move out as she begins her college years.

The realization that we only have five years to go before we are empty nesters makes me want to grab hold of my 12 and 15 year olds and never let them go!  They will be having milestone birthdays in less than 2 months!  What amazing girls they are!  All of our children, including our recently added son in-law make us very proud.  We look forward to adding another generation to our family tree in December with the expected arrival of our first grandchild - with the recent ultrasound indicating a boy on the way, it feels more and more real.

But back to my checkup - marriage is hard - at least making sure you are both happy, keeping the romance alive, and not losing yourself in the process.  I had been feeling like we were in a rut, that I had in many ways sacrificed my dreams to raise my children all the while supporting my husband while he actively pursued his with my support.  I don't regret being a stay at home mom for the 15 of the past 20 years.  In fact, after going back to work for 3 years, I was thrilled to be able to quit work and just be at home.  Sometimes it seems the kids take me for granted and expect that I make their school lunches, breakfasts and dinners, bring their forgotten items, and run them to and fro, but I am so glad that I can be there for them.  I trust that they will appreciate me when it's their turn - and just in case, I tell them on a probably too regular (at least for them) basis that they will appreciate me when they become mothers.

In this state of mind, I started looking through the recommended relationship advice books for information to help have the best of marriages and came across the Gottman's book:  The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work and Ten Lessons to Transform Your Marriage. and have just finished reading both.  I have only been able to share a small part with my hubby.  He does not like to read and has very little time to give me... hence chapter 1 in Ten Lessons:  "All You Ever Do Is Work" really caught my attention.  Ten lessons uses the principles in the first book, but also gives dialogue before and after couples received direction from the Gottman's on how to discuss heated areas differently.  It made me so much more aware of the negative things my hubby and I do when working through conflict.  The Gottman's point out that it is common for all of us to do those things, but when we do them regularly, we get caught in a "negative sentiment override" where we lose sight of all the positives about each other and quickly assume the worst about our spouse when we have these discussions. 

As Trent and I have made an effort to first understand each other's feelings about the issue before beginning to problem solve, and to discuss the issues without getting defensive about things that are said - by looking for our partner's longing in the message rather than feeling criticized or attacked (even when we may be getting criticized) we can quickly turn the argument around. 

The Gottman's say they can tell the outcome of an argument in the first 3 minutes depending on how the issue is presented - was a soft start-up used or a harsh one and whether the 4 horsemen were present (defensiveness, criticism, disdain towards the partner and stonewalling - refusing to listen to your partner).  They also say that when "flooding" occurs - they don't use these words, but when the logical brain turns off because fight or flight kicks in as evidenced by biological changes (increased heart rate, adrenaline, etc. then it's time to take at least a 20 minute break to become calm and rational again.  We need to be able to tell our partner's we are flooded and allow our partners that time to calm down.  If we can do these things, we can better deal with conflict.

That is not all - we need to know and support our partner's dreams, appreciate the great things about our partners, etc.

I have tried to apply these principles and am excited for our upcoming Gottman workshop where Trent might also get more involved in this process.  He did say something about finding a mp3 audio of the book that he might listen to.  He asked if he should wait until the workshop or get it now.  Since I have already read the books, I think it would be awesome to have him join me in this!

I find it very fitting that the weekend before our 20 year anniversary, we will be at the Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work in Draper Utah.  I'll let you know what positive changes I see in our marriage - and what positive changes I see as I share the info with my children... we learn how to relate to our future spouses in our families.  Maybe I am not too late to teach them so that they can have happier marriages.


Friday, May 31, 2019

Another Milestone passed

This late am, I drove our newly graduated daughter, Kenzi, to a friends that she will be traveling with for 10 days.  It isn't as independently adventurous as it sounds.  She is traveling with her friend's parents and siblings.  But it will be a lot of fun for her and it is the longest we have been apart since she was conceived.

I had a chance to talk to Kenzi yesterday, before graduation.  I told her, "Our goal as parents was to raise a daughter who was not entitled, who worked hard,  knew the value of money and how to spend it carefully and save it."  I told her that we had more than accomplished that.  I also mentioned that she probably won't realize that we had anything to do with it until she is a parent of her own children. 

The spirit testified to me this earlier in the day as I was pondering that Kenzi thinks we have done nothing for her.  She doesn't realize all that we have done because her expectations that we should be doing more have everything to do with her friends having so much handed to them without having to work for it.  She brought up the same friend she is traveling with, has a free trip, a free new car her parents gave her, clothes and hair color and lashes, etc.

We gave her $1200 cash for graduation that she could spend on what she wanted... but she paid $1200 earlier in the year for a lap top because she did not want to wait.  And she paid $600 to go on this trip.  We bought a new car for Trent so Kenzi could have a car to drive, but Trent did not want to give it to her - and when I brought it up, Kenzi said she didn't want it either, because it isn't what she wants.

Regardless, Kenzi is amazing and will succeed in what she decides.  It was nice to have a moment yesterday to share my thoughts with her.  And to put it on the blog today before I forget.